Thursday, February 18, 2010


the two following tell me i am really here:

got a mobile (cel) SIM card for my Kiwi phone. unlike our frustrating phones, i can take this anywhere in the world, buy another SIM there and use the phone there.  at the same time, using a pre-paid mobile account means i pay  40 cents for every HALF minute on the phone, and 25 cents per text.  arghhhhhh.  
and then found this on the kitchen counter this a.m. For those of you not familiar with Vegemite, all i can say is that 
for me the health benefit of the high vitamin B content is vastly overweighed by the sheer foulness of the product.
Smelling it -- no, just thinking of smelling it -- is like stepping into a shed filled with very wet sheep....

all was saved at lunch -- the benefits of living on a farm: go out and pick these just outside the door:

went into town to a sweet cafe and were forced by the friendly locals to devour these:
and finally to the local "op-shop" where i picked up some cheap second hand work
clothes, and something familiar to keep the sun off: 

another glorious day; about 75 degrees, clear, sun, and cool breeze in the shade...........

If only we'd stop trying to be happy we could have a pretty good time - Edith Wharton

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